Gas Tax!

Summer is upon us and with this comes vacations a “road trips.”  As you travel from state to state, I’m sure you are aware of the fluctuating gas prices.  This is due in part to the varying rates at which gas is taxed from state to state.  Here are the ten highest and the ten lowest state gas taxes (courtesy of the AARP Bulletin).

Highest Gas Tax (cents per gallon)
1. Pennsylvania (58.7)
2. California (54.4)
3. Washington (49.4)
4. Hawaii (46.4)
5. New York (44.1)
6. Indiana (42.9)
7. Florida (42.0)
8. New Jersey (41.4)
9. Michigan (38.4)
10. Connecticut (36.9)

Lowest Gas Tax (cents per gallon)
1. Alaska (14.4)
2. Missouri (17.4)
3. Misissippi (18.8)
4. New Mexico (19.0)
5. Arizona (19.0)
6. Texas (20.0)
6. Oklahoma (20.0)
6. Louisiana (20.0)
9. Virginia (20.7)
10. South Caronlina (20.8)

Source: AARP Bulletin, June 2019, p. 40, and, the Tax Foundation (accurate as of January 1st and rounded to the nearest tenth of a cent).

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