Archive for April 18th, 2022

Ancient History, Number Forty-Four!

April 18, 2022

By “ancient history,” I will be referencing events from April 18th that occurred pre-1492 (i.e., before “Columbus sailed the ocean blue”).  Note: most of these will be from the medieval world (476 AD – 1492 AD) as many earlier events don’t always have specific dates.

  • At the Battle of Clontarf, Ireland, Brian Borumha, high king of Ireland, defeats a coalition of Vikings and the kingdom of Leinster but is himself killed (1014).
  • King Baldwin II of Jerusalem is captured and his army destroyed in a surprise attack on his camp near Gargar, on the River Euphrates, by Balak of Khanzit, the nephew of the Danishmend emir Ghazi (1123 AD).
  • Harihara I, who led a Hindu revolt against Muslim rule, is crowned in his newly built capital, Vijayanagar, and thus founds the Sangama dynasty of the Vijayanagar empire of southern India (1336 AD).

Source: Volume 1 of the Chronology of World History: Prehistory — AD 1491: The Ancient and Medieval World.