Archive for September 12th, 2016

It Truly Was Accidental!

September 12, 2016

Happy Monday!  Accidents do happen, but are they always accidental?  By definition, I would certainly think so.  A couple of the standard definitions for “accidental” include:

  1. happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly
  2. incidental; subsidiary

So, as I was perusing my copy of The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate I ran across all of these other ways to say “accidental.”  Enjoy!

Other, more common, synonyms could include: chance, fluky, coincidental, casual, random,unexpected, unforeseen, unanticipated, unlooked-for, unintentional,unintended, inadvertent, unplanned, unpremeditated, unthinking, unwitting, incidental, unimportant, by the way, by the by, supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate, secondary, accessory, peripheral, tangential, extraneous, extrinsic, irrelevant, nonessential, inessential.

Source: and The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich and