Posts Tagged ‘Synonyms’

A Scarf!

April 2, 2024

“The cold wind flapped the ends of her kerchief and her loose locks of gray hair.” Check out some synonyms for “kerchief” below.


\ kur-chif, -cheef \, noun;

  1. a woman’s square scarf worn as a covering for the head or sometimes the shoulders.
  2. a handkerchief.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

Very Rough Quality!

March 5, 2024

“Many ships have been wrecked on the jagged reefs which fringe their base.” Check out some synonyms for “jagged” below.


\ jag-id \, noun;

  1. having ragged notches, points, or teeth.
  2. having a harsh, rough, or uneven quality.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of


February 6, 2024

“He was the idol of his soldiers, a good tactician, but not a great strategist.” Check out some synonyms for “idol” below.


\ ahyd-l \, noun;

  1. an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed.
  2. Bible.
    • an image of a deity other than God.
    • the deity itself.
  3. any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.
  4. a mere image or semblance of something, visible but without substance, as a phantom.
  5. a figment of the mind; fantasy.
  6. a false conception or notion; fallacy.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

The Chutzpa!

December 12, 2023

“I am not sure quite why I had the gall to complain – well, I wasn’t really, just laughing at myself!” Check out some synonyms for “gall” below.


\ gawl \, noun;

  1. impudence; effrontery.
  2. bile, especially that of an animal.
  3. something bitter or severe.
  4. bitterness of spirit; rancor.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

A Total Fiasco!

November 14, 2023

“I realize now my venture was doomed to failure from the start as my target was far better protected than I sensed.” Check out some synonyms for “failure” below.


\ feyl-yer \, noun;

  1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success.
  2. nonperformance of something due, required, or expected.
  3. a subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency.
  4. deterioration or decay, especially of vigor, strength, etc..
  5. a condition of being bankrupt by reason of insolvency.
  6. a becoming insolvent or bankrupt.
  7. a person or thing that proves unsuccessful.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

Allows Me To Hear!

October 17, 2023

“Lisa put the phone back to her ear, still watching Yancey cautiously.” Check out some synonyms for “ear” below.


\ eer \, adjective;

  1. the organ of hearing and equilibrium in vertebrates, in humans consisting of an external ear that gathers sound vibrations, a middle ear in which the vibrations resonate against the tympanic membrane, and a fluid-filled internal ear that maintains balance and that conducts the tympanic vibrations to the auditory nerve, which transmits them as impulses to the brain.
  2. the external ear alone.
  3. the sense of hearing.
  4. keen or sensitive perception of the differences of sound, especially sensitiveness to the quality and correctness of musical sounds.
  5. attention; heed.
  6. any part that resembles or suggests an ear in position or form, as the handle of a teacup.
  7. Architecture. crossette.
  8. Journalism. a small box in either upper corner of a newspaper page, usually the front page or split page, containing the name of or a symbol for the edition, a weather bulletin, a slogan, or the like.
  9. Furniture.
    • a decorative feature at the upper end of a leg.
    • one of the decorative features at each end of a crest rail.
  10. ears, Slang. earphones.
  11. ear tuft.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

Eternal Punishment!

September 19, 2023

“She was damned the moment she stepped into Hell, Deidre said firmly.” Check out some synonyms for “damned” below.


\ damd \, adjective;

  1. condemned or doomed, especially to eternal punishment.
  2. detestable; loathsome.
  3. complete; absolute; utter.
  4. Informal. extraordinary; amazing.


  1. the damned, those condemned to suffer eternal punishment.


  1. extremely; very; absolutely.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

Don’t Cage Me In!

August 22, 2023

“I’m curious about zoo animals, but I’m not going to walk into the cage with a tiger.” Check out some synonyms for “cage” below.


\ keyj \, noun;

  1. a boxlike enclosure having wires, bars, or the like, for confining and displaying birds or animals.
  2. anything that confines or imprisons.
  3. something resembling a cage in structure, as for a cashier or bank teller.
  4. the car or enclosed platform of an elevator.
  5. Mining. an enclosed platform for raising and lowering people and cars in a mine shaft.
  6. any skeleton framework.
  7. Baseball. a movable backstop for use mainly in batting practice.
  8. a frame with a net attached to it, forming the goal in ice hockey and field hockey.
  9. BasketballOlder Use. the basket.
  10. a loose, sheer or lacy overdress worn with a slip or a close-fitting dress.
  11. Ordnance. a steel framework for supporting guns.
  12. Machinery. retainer.

verb (used with an object)

  1. to put or confine in or as if in a cage.
  2. Sports. to shoot (as a puck) into a cage so as to score a goal.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

Say What?!

July 25, 2023

“Sunday was eight hours of listening to Vinnie’s uninformative babble, followed by a TV ball game, a couple or three beers and a steak.” Check out some synonyms for “babble” below.


\ babuhl \, verb (used without an object);

  1. to utter sounds or words imperfectly, indistinctly, or without meaning.
  2. to talk idly, irrationally, excessively, or foolishly; chatter or prattle.
  3. to make a continuous, murmuring sound.

verb (used with an object)

  1. to utter in an incoherent, foolish, or meaningless fashion.
  2. to reveal foolishly or thoughtlessly.


  1. inarticulate or imperfect speech.
  2. foolish, meaningless, or incoherent speech; prattle.
  3. a murmuring sound or a confusion of sounds.
  4. babbling (def. 2).
  5. Telecommunications. a confused mixture of extraneous sounds in a circuit, resulting from cross talk from other channels.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of

More Than Enough!

June 27, 2023

“The surrounding district is well cultivated and produces an abundance of fruit and vegetables.” Check out some synonyms for “abundance” below.


\ uhbuhn-duhns \, noun;

  1. an extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply.
  2. overflowing fullness.
  3. affluence; wealth.
  4. PhysicsChemistry. the number of atoms of one isotope of an element divided by the total number of atoms in a mixture of the isotopes.

Other words you may consider using (depending on your context/usage, of course):

Source: The Highly Selective Thesaurus for the Extraordinarily Literate by Eugene Ehrlich. Definitions courtesy of, sentence courtesy of